Results for 'Kristen R. Collins'

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  1.  29
    Jeremy Bentham’s democratic liberal constitutionalism.Kristen R. Collins - forthcoming - Metascience:1-4.
  2.  34
    “Secrecy or Silence with Her Finger on Her Mouth”: Jeremy Bentham’s Other Model of Visibility and Power.Kristen R. Collins - 2022 - Political Theory 50 (4):596-620.
    To challenge the Foucauldian legacy of Jeremy Bentham’s panopticon prison, scholars often highlight Bentham’s later writings on the democratic power of public opinion. In doing so, they reaffirm Bentham’s reputation as a unreserved proponent of transparency. To recover the limits of Bentham’s embrace of publicity, I examine the model of visibility exemplified by his designs for the Sotimion, a residence for unmarried, pregnant women. The Sotimion draws our attention to Bentham’s appreciation for concealment as a method of preventing individual and (...)
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    Contemporary Empirical Political Theory.Kristen R. Monroe - 1997 - Univ of California Press.
    How can we best understand the major debates and recent movements in contemporary empirical political theory? Is there a human nature on which we can construct scientific theories of political life? What is the role of culture in shaping any such nature? How objective and value-free can political theories be? These are only a few of the issues addressed by this collection of essays from a disparate group of contributors.
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  4. Altruism and the theory of rational action: Rescuers of jews in nazi europe.Kristen R. Monroe, Michael C. Barton & Ute Klingemann - 1990 - Ethics 101 (1):103-122.
  5.  22
    Ways of knowing on the Internet: A qualitative review of cancer websites from a critical nursing perspective.Kristen R. Haase, Roanne T. Thomas, Wendy Gifford & Lorraine F. Holtslander - 2018 - Nursing Inquiry 25 (3):e12230.
    People diagnosed with cancer typically want information from their doctor or nurse. However, many individuals now turn to the Internet to tackle unmet information needs and to complement healthcare professional information. The purpose of this study was to qualitatively explore the content of commonly searched cancer websites from a critical nursing perspective, as this information is accessible, and allows patients to address their information needs in ways that healthcare professionals cannot. This qualitative examination of websites is informed by Carper's fundamental (...)
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  6. Recreancy and nanotechnology: A call for empirical research.W. R. Freudenburg & M. B. Collins - 2012 - In Barbara Herr Harthorn & John Mohr, The social life of nanotechnology. New York: Routledge. pp. 241--264.
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    The problem with the pyramid: Why most models of talent development are flawed.R. Bailey & D. Collins - unknown
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    Quantum mechanics of relativistic spinless particles.John R. Fanchi & R. Eugene Collins - 1978 - Foundations of Physics 8 (11-12):851-877.
    A relativistic one-particle, quantum theory for spin-zero particles is constructed uponL 2(x, ct), resulting in a positive definite spacetime probability density. A generalized Schrödinger equation having a Hermitian HamiltonianH onL 2(x, ct) for an arbitrary four-vector potential is derived. In this formalism the rest mass is an observable and a scalar particle is described by a wave packet that is a superposition of mass states. The requirements of macroscopic causality are shown to be satisfied by the most probable trajectory of (...)
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  9.  83
    Genetic Research as Therapy: Implications of "Gene Therapy" for Informed Consent.Larry R. Churchill, Myra L. Collins, Nancy M. R. King, Stephen G. Pemberton & Keith A. Wailoo - 1998 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 26 (1):38-47.
    In March 1996, the General Accounting Office (GAO) issued the reportScientific Research: Continued Vigilance Critical to Protecting Human Subjects.It stated that “an inherent conflict of interest exists when physician-researchers include their patients in research protocols. If the physicians do not clearly distinguish between research and treatment in their attempt to inform subjects, the possible benefits of a study can be overemphasized and the risks minimized.” The report also acknowledged that “the line between research and treatment is not always cleartoclinicians. Controversy (...)
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    Genetic Research as Therapy: Implications of “Gene Therapy” for Informed Consent.Larry R. Churchill, Myra L. Collins, Nancy M. P. King, Stephen G. Pemberton & Keith A. Wailoo - 1998 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 26 (1):38-47.
    In March 1996, the General Accounting Office issued the report Scientific Research: Continued Vigilance Critical to Protecting Human Subjects. It stated that “an inherent conflict of interest exists when physician-researchers include their patients in research protocols. If the physicians do not clearly distinguish between research and treatment in their attempt to inform subjects, the possible benefits of a study can be overemphasized and the risks minimized.” The report also acknowledged that “the line between research and treatment is not always clear (...)
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  11.  34
    Contextualizing person perception: Distributed social cognition.Eliot R. Smith & Elizabeth C. Collins - 2009 - Psychological Review 116 (2):343-364.
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  12. Dual-process models: A social psychological perspective.Eliot R. Smith & Elizabeth C. Collins - 2009 - In Jonathan St B. T. Evans & Keith Frankish, In Two Minds: Dual Processes and Beyond. Oxford University Press. pp. 197--216.
  13.  55
    Reassessing the approach to informed consent: the case of unrelated hematopoietic stem cell transplantation in adult thalassemia patients.Salvatore Pisu, Giovanni Caocci, Ernesto D’Aloja, Fabio Efficace, Adriana Vacca, Eugenia Piras, Maria G. Orofino, Carmen Addari, Michela Pintor, Roberto Demontis, Federica Demuru, Maria R. Pittau, Gary S. Collins & Giorgio La Nasa - 2014 - Philosophy, Ethics, and Humanities in Medicine 9:13.
    The informed consent process is the legal embodiment of the fundamental right of the individual to make decisions affecting his or her health., and the patient’s permission is a crucial form of respect of freedom and dignity, it becomes extremely important to enhance the patient’s understanding and recall of the information given by the physician. This statement acquires additional weight when the medical treatment proposed can potentially be detrimental or even fatal. This is the case of thalassemia patients pertaining to (...)
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    Farmer perspectives on cropping systems diversification in northwestern Minnesota.Kristen L. Corselius, Steve R. Simmons & Cornelia B. Flora - 2003 - Agriculture and Human Values 20 (4):371-383.
    It is important to understandfactors that influence management decisionsthat determine the level of diversificationwithin cropping systems. Because of the widevariety of cropping systems within a region,our study focused on a single county in northwestern Minnesota. This county wasselected because it is in an area where farmerswere reevaluating their cropping practicesduring the 1990s in response to severe plantdisease outbreaks and economic stresses. Asurvey and follow-up interviews of representative farmers in Marshall Countyshowed that they were approaching theircropping systems management decisions underthese conditions (...)
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    Developing and Validating a Big-Store Multiple Errands Test.Kristen Antoniak, Julie Clores, Danielle Jensen, Emily Nalder, Shlomit Rotenberg & Deirdre R. Dawson - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Quentin Skinner's Hobbes and the neo-republican project*: Jeffrey R. Collins.Jeffrey R. Collins - 2009 - Modern Intellectual History 6 (2):343-367.
    For nearly half a century, Quentin Skinner has been the world's foremost interpreter of Thomas Hobbes. When the contextualist mode of intellectual history now known as the “Cambridge School” was first asserting itself in the 1960s, the life and writings of John Locke were the primary topic for pioneers such as Peter Laslett and John Dunn. At that time, Hobbes was still the plaything of philosophers and political scientists, virtually all of whom wrote in an ahistorical, textual-analytic manner. Hobbes had (...)
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    Crying helps, but being sad doesn’t: Infants constrain nominal reference online using known verbs, but not known adjectives.Kristen Syrett, Alexander LaTourrette, Brock Ferguson & Sandra R. Waxman - 2019 - Cognition 193 (C):104033.
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  18.  44
    Moral Development in Business Ethics: An Examination and Critique.Kristen Bell DeTienne, Carol Frogley Ellertson, Marc-Charles Ingerson & William R. Dudley - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 170 (3):429-448.
    The field of behavioral ethics has seen considerable growth over the last few decades. One of the most significant concerns facing this interdisciplinary field of research is the moral judgment-action gap. The moral judgment-action gap is the inconsistency people display when they know what is right but do what they know is wrong. Much of the research in the field of behavioral ethics is based on early work in moral psychology and American psychologist Lawrence Kohlberg’s foundational cognitive model of moral (...)
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  19.  31
    Frequent Preservation of Neurologic Function in Brain Death and Brainstem Death Entails False-Positive Misdiagnosis and Cerebral Perfusion.Michael Nair-Collins & Ari R. Joffe - 2023 - American Journal of Bioethics Neuroscience 14 (3):255-268.
    Some patients who have been diagnosed as “dead by neurologic criteria” continue to exhibit certain brain functions, most commonly, neuroendocrine functions. This preservation of neurologic function after the diagnosis of “brain death” or “brainstem death” is an ongoing source of controversy and concern in the medical, bioethics, and legal literatures. Most obviously, if some brain function persists, then it is not the case that all functions of the entire brain have ceased and hence, declaring such a patient to be “dead” (...)
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  20.  55
    Abandoning the dead donor rule? A national survey of public views on death and organ donation.Michael Nair-Collins, Sydney R. Green & Angelina R. Sutin - 2015 - Journal of Medical Ethics 41 (4):297-302.
    Brain dead organ donors are the principal source of transplantable organs. However, it is controversial whether brain death is the same as biological death. Therefore, it is unclear whether organ removal in brain death is consistent with the ‘dead donor rule’, which states that organ removal must not cause death. Our aim was to evaluate the public9s opinion about organ removal if explicitly described as causing the death of a donor in irreversible apneic coma. We conducted a cross-sectional internet survey (...)
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  21.  91
    Actual and Perceived Stability of Preferences for Life-Sustaining Treatment.R. Mitchell Gready, Peter H. Ditto, Joseph H. Danks, Kristen M. Coppola, Lisa K. Lockhart & William D. Smucker - 2000 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 11 (4):334-346.
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  22.  36
    The rebuilding of psychology: an integration of psychology and Christianity.Gary R. Collins - 1977 - Wheaton, Ill.: Tyndale House.
    Dr. Gary R. Collins provides an overview and evaluation of the field of contemporary psychology, and identifies the presuppositions that underlie this discipline. As a Christian, he looks beyond the dilemmas of modern psychology and sees hope -- for humanity and for "the science of human behavior." The Rebuilding of Psychology makes a bold proposal for rebuilding psychology on the theistic premise that "God exists and is the source of all truth." - Back cover.
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    Changes in Juvenile Foraging Behavior among the Hadza of Tanzania during Early Transition to a Mixed-Subsistence Economy.Trevor R. Pollom, Kristen N. Herlosky, Ibrahim A. Mabulla & Alyssa N. Crittenden - 2020 - Human Nature 31 (2):123-140.
    The Hadza foragers of Tanzania are currently experiencing a nutritional shift that includes the intensification of domesticated cultigens in the diet. Despite these changes, no study, to date, has examined the possible effects of this transition on the food collection behavior of young foragers. Here we present a cross-sectional study on foraging behavior taken from two time points, 2005 and 2017. We compare the number of days foraged and the type and amount of food collected for young foragers, aged 5–14 (...)
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  24. The Allegiance of Thomas Hobbes.Jeffrey R. Collins & James Martel - 2009 - Political Theory 37 (5):706-712.
  25. Political Identity Over Personal Impact: Early U.S. Reactions to the COVID-19 Pandemic.Robert N. Collins, David R. Mandel & Sarah S. Schywiola - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Research suggests political identity has strong influence over individuals’ attitudes and beliefs, which in turn can affect their behavior. Likewise, firsthand experience with an issue can also affect attitudes and beliefs. A large survey of Americans was analyzed to investigate the effects of both political identity and personal impact on individuals’ reactions to the COVID-19 pandemic. Results show that political identity and personal impact influenced the American public’s attitudes about and response to COVID-19. Consistent with prior research, political identity exerted (...)
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  26. Erratum-Oxidative DNA damage, antioxidants, and cancer-BioEssays, Volume 21, No 3, 1999.Andrew R. Collins - 1999 - Bioessays 21 (6):535.
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    Interpreting Thomas Hobbes in Competing Contexts.Jeffrey R. Collins - 2009 - Journal of the History of Ideas 70 (1):165-180.
    A. P. Martinich's The Two Gods of Leviathan appeared in 1992, and J. R. Collins's The Allegiance of Thomas Hobbes in 2005. Martinich offered a revisionist interpretation of Thomas Hobbes's religious commitments. He rebuked the conventional view that Hobbes was an atheist and placed him within particular traditions of reformed Christian theology. Collins's book strongly differed from these conclusions, and reasserted Hobbes's hostility to traditional Christianity as part of a general contextualization of his writings within the period of (...)
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  28.  34
    State Health Insurance Exchanges: Progress and Challenges.Sara R. Collins & Tracy Garber - 2013 - Hastings Center Report 43 (1):inside back cover-inside back co.
    By 2014, each of the fifty states and the District of Columbia will have a new health insurance exchange, or marketplace, established under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. These exchanges are the centerpiece of the reform law: they will be the main portals where people who do not have health insurance coverage through their jobs and small businesses will go, either in person or online, to find a health plan and to learn about and apply for federal subsidies. (...)
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  29.  47
    More Than Meets the Eye: The Merging of Perceptual and Conceptual Knowledge in the Anterior Temporal Face Area.Jessica A. Collins, Jessica E. Koski & Ingrid R. Olson - 2016 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 10.
  30. The Impact of Moral Stress Compared to Other Stressors on Employee Fatigue, Job Satisfaction, and Turnover: An Empirical Investigation. [REVIEW]Kristen Bell DeTienne, Bradley R. Agle, James C. Phillips & Marc-Charles Ingerson - 2012 - Journal of Business Ethics 110 (3):377-391.
    Moral stress is an increasingly significant concept in business ethics and the workplace environment. This study compares the impact of moral stress with other job stressors on three important employee variables—fatigue, job satisfaction, and turnover intentions—by utilizing survey data from 305 customer-contact employees of a financial institution’s call center. Statistical analysis on the interaction of moral stress and the three employee variables was performed while controlling for other types of job stress as well as demographic variables. The results reveal that (...)
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    Exploring values among three cultures from a global bioethics perspective.Nico Nortjé, Kristen Jones-Bonofiglio & Claudia R. Sotomayor - 2021 - Global Bioethics 32 (1):1-14.
    The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation’s Declaration on Bioethics and Human Rights refers to the importance of cultural diversity and pluralism in ethical discourse and care of humanity. The aim of this meta-narrative review is to identify indigenous ethical values pertaining to the Ojibway, Xhosa, and Mayan cultures from peer-reviewed sources and cultural review, and to ascertain if there are shared commonalities. Three main themes were identified, namely illness, healing, and health care choices. Illness was described with a (...)
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    Plato's Use of the Word MANTEYOMAI.R. J. Collin - 1952 - Classical Quarterly 2 (1-2):93-.
    One cannot but notice Plato's interest in prophecy and divination. He speaks disparagingly of the art and of those who practised it, yet it seems to have held some fascination for him. Moreover, he frequently uses the language of prophecy in a metaphorical sense, and it is this which I am to examine. Often, of course, this use is facetious, especially with the nouns ‘prophet’ and ‘prophecy’: he is ridiculing obscurity or playfully lending dignity to an obvious inference. But I (...)
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  33. Vibrotactile pattern masking with static and dynamic tactile noise.R. W. Cholewiak & A. A. Collins - 1988 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 26 (6):487-487.
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  34. Dual-process models: a social psychological model.Eliot R. Smith & Collins & C. Elizabeth - 2009 - In Jonathan St B. T. Evans & Keith Frankish, In Two Minds: Dual Processes and Beyond. Oxford University Press.
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  35.  13
    In the Shadow of Leviathan: John Locke and the Politics of Conscience.Jeffrey R. Collins - 2020 - New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
    Thomas Hobbes and John Locke sit together in the canon of political thought but are rarely treated in common historical accounts. This book narrates their intertwined careers during the Restoration period, when the two men found themselves in close proximity and entangled in many of the same political conflicts. Bringing new source material to bear, In the Shadow of Leviathan establishes the influence of Hobbesian thought over Locke, particularly in relation to the preeminent question of religious toleration. Excavating Hobbes's now (...)
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  36.  19
    The molecular biology of desmosomes and hemidesmosomes: ′What's in a name?'.P. K. Legan, J. E. Collins & D. R. Garrod - 1992 - Bioessays 14 (6):385-393.
    Desmosomes are junctions involved in intercellular adhesion of epithelial cells and hemidesmosomes are junctions involved in adhesion of epithelia to basement membranes. Both are characterised at the ultrastructural level by dense cytoplasmic plaques which are linked to the intermediate filament cytoskeleton of the cells. The plaques strongly resemble each other suggesting a relationship between the two kinds of junctions, as implied by their names. Recent characterisation of the molecular components of the junctions shows they are, in fact, quite unrelated implying (...)
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  37.  61
    A Shared Responsibility: U.S. Employers and the Provision of Health Insurance to Employees.Sara R. Collins, Karen Davis & Alice Ho - 2005 - Inquiry: The Journal of Health Care Organization, Provision, and Financing 42 (1):6-15.
  38.  5
    Oxidative DNA damage, antioxidants, and cancer.Andrew R. Collins - 1999 - Bioessays 21 (3):238-246.
    Oxidised bases, such as 8-oxo-guanine, occur in cellular DNA as a result of attack by oxygen free radicals. The cancer-protective effect of vegetables and fruit is attributed to the ability of antioxidants in them to scavenge free radicals, preventing DNA damage and subsequent mutation. Antioxidant supplements (e.g., β-carotene, vitamin C) increase the resistance of lymphocytes to oxidative damage, and a negative correlation is seen between antioxidant concentrations in tissues and oxidised bases in DNA. Large-scale intervention trials with β-carotene have, however, (...)
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  39. Search for reality.Gary R. Collins - 1969 - Wheaton, Ill.,: Key Publishers.
  40.  68
    The Allegiance of Thomas Hobbes.Jeffrey R. Collins - 2005 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    The Allegiance of Thomas Hobbes offers a new interpretation of Thomas Hobbes's response to the English Revolution. By focusing on his religious thought, it debunks the standard view of him as a royalist, and recovers his sympathies with the religious projects of the 1640s and 1650s. This reinterpretation culminates with an exploration of Hobbes's surprising sympathies with Oliver Cromwell and his supporters. By placing Thomas Hobbes within fresh contexts, Professor Collins offers a new angle of vision on the religious (...)
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  41.  46
    Genethics.Leslie G. Biesecker, Francis S. Collins, Evan G. DeRenzo, Christine Grady & Charles R. MacKay - 1995 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 4 (3):387.
  42.  64
    Peace and Mind: Seriatim Symposium on Dispute, Conflict, and Enmity.Alick Isaacs, Randall Collins, Bruno Latour, Peter Burke, G. Thomas Tanselle, Alexander Goehr, Anne Carson, Marcel Detienne, Daniel Herwitz, Frank R. Ankersmit, Vicki Hearne, Jeffrey M. Perl & Elizabeth Key Fowden - 2002 - Common Knowledge 8 (1):20-23.
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    Book reviews. [REVIEW]Joseph A. Bulbulia, Kristen Kingfield Kearns, Ilsup Ahn, Peter Forrest, Stephen R. Napier, Graeme Marshall & Patrick Hutchings - 2003 - Sophia 42 (1):125-126.
    Book Review. . ???aop.label???. doi: 10.1080/00048402.2014.929720.
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  44. In Theories of memory.J. M. Gardiner, R. I. Java, A. Collins, S. E. Gathercole, M. A. Conway & P. E. Morris - 1993 - In A. Collins, Martin A. Conway & P. E. Morris, Theories of Memory. Lawrence Erlbaum.
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  45.  24
    Verbal and numeric probabilities differentially shape decisions.Robert N. Collins, David R. Mandel & Brooke A. MacLeod - 2024 - Thinking and Reasoning 30 (1):235-257.
    Experts often communicate probabilities verbally (e.g., unlikely) rather than numerically (e.g., 25% chance). Although criticism has focused on the vagueness of verbal probabilities, less attention has been given to the potential unintended, biasing effects of verbal probabilities in communicating probabilities to decision-makers. In four experiments (Ns = 201, 439, 435, 696), we showed that probability format (i.e., verbal vs. numeric) influenced participants’ inferences and decisions following a hypothetical financial expert’s forecast. We observed a format effect for low probability forecasts: verbal (...)
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  46.  37
    Harm Avoidance and Mobility During Middle Childhood and Adolescence among Hadza Foragers.Alyssa N. Crittenden, Alan Farahani, Kristen N. Herlosky, Trevor R. Pollom, Ibrahim A. Mabulla, Ian T. Ruginski & Elizabeth Cashdan - 2021 - Human Nature 32 (1):150-176.
    Cross-cultural sex differences in mobility and harm avoidance have been widely reported, often emphasizing fitness benefits of long-distance travel for males and high costs for females. Data emerging from adults in small-scale societies, however, are challenging the assumption that female mobility is restricted during reproduction. Such findings warrant further exploration of the ontogeny of mobility. Here, using a combination of machine-learning, mixed-effects linear regression, and GIS mapping, we analyze range size, daily distance traveled, and harm avoidance among Hadza foragers during (...)
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  47. WHAT is the difference between 'learning'a new piece of music and 'memorizing 'it? Both involve memory, but of different kinds. The memories that develop spontaneously'.Roger Chaffin, Topher R. Logan & Kristen T. Begosh - 2008 - In Susan Hallam, Ian Cross & Michael Thaut, Oxford Handbook of Music Psychology. Oxford University Press.
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  48. Quantum theory: A Hilbert space formalism for probability theory.R. Eugene Collins - 1977 - Foundations of Physics 7 (7-8):475-494.
    It is shown that the Hilbert space formalism of quantum mechanics can be derived as a corrected form of probability theory. These constructions yield the Schrödinger equation for a particle in an electromagnetic field and exhibit a relationship of this equation to Markov processes. The operator formalism for expectation values is shown to be related to anL 2 representation of marginal distributions and a relationship of the commutation rules for canonically conjugate observables to a topological relationship of two manifolds is (...)
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    Response to Commentaries: Frequent Preservation of Neurologic Function in Brain Death and Brainstem Death Entails False-Positive Misdiagnosis and Cerebral Perfusion.Ari R. Joffe & Michael Nair-Collins - 2024 - American Journal of Bioethics Neuroscience 15 (1).
    We thank the authors of commentaries for their thoughtful discussion of our target article. Here we briefly summarize the points made in the target article (Nair-Collins and Joffe 2023). Then we em...
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    Growth factors as survival factors: Regulation of apoptosis.Mary K. L. Collins, Gordon R. Perkins, Gemma Rodriguez-Tarduchy, Maria Angela Nieto & Abelardo López-Rivas - 1994 - Bioessays 16 (2):133-138.
    Apoptosis is now widely recognized as a common form of cell death and represents a mechanism of cell clearance in many physiological situations where deletion of cells is required. Peptide growth factors, initially characterised as stimulators of cell proliferation, have now been shown to inhibit death in many cell types. Deprivation of growth factors leads to the induction of apoptosis, i.e. condensation of chromatin and degradation in oligonucleosomesized fragments, formation of plasma and nuclear membrane blebs and cell fragmentation into apoptotic (...)
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